#1 Tradesmen digital toolbox

How to Create a Quote

Last modified:November 18, 2023
For versions:1
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Estimated reading time: 1 min


Step 1: Sign in to Labourless

  1. Go to the Labourless website and sign in to your account: app.labourless.co.uk


Step 2: Navigate to Quotes


  1. Click “New Quote” button at the top left.
  2. Complete Quote details.


    1. Add subject
    2. Add related to lead or customer
      1. Once you have selected lead or customer, you will see a new field which is how you select who this will be sent to.
    3. Choose the date you’re creating it
    4. Choose the “Open Till” date. This is when the Quote will expire
    5. Select the currency
    6. Optional: add a discount type
    7. Status can be left as it will update when you send
    8. Assign who in your business is responsible for this Quote
    9. Make sure you’re happy with where the Quote is being sent to


  1. Now you have added in contact details, you can add your Quote information.
  2. You can optionally select to add Products & Service options from your library. This helps accelerate how quickly you create Quotes.


    1. Click here if you’d like to see how to add Products & Services


  1. Make any changes or add any new line items to the Quote
  2. Add any discounts
    1. Change % or Fixed amount
  1. Add any adjustments to the final price


Step 3: Save and send to your lead or customer


  1. Once you have finished creating your Quote, click the “Save & Send” button or the “Save” button if you’re not ready to send to the lead or customer.


Congratulations, you have created your first Quote.

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