Step 1: Sign in to Labourless
- Go to the Labourless website and sign in to your account:
Step 2: Navigate to the Expenses
- Click “Record Expenses” button in the top left of the screen.
- Drag and Drop the receipt to the “Attach Receipt” box.
- Complete the form and make sure that these fields are complete:
- Expense category
- Expense date
- Amount
- Currency
- If this is an expense associated with a customer then select the customer it is related to.
- Finally, click the “Save” button in the bottom right of the window.
Step 3: How to view, edit, delete or copy an expense
Navigate to “Expenses” in the left-hand sidebar and click “Expenses”.
- Hover over the expense item and click either:
- View
- Edit
- Delete
- If you’d like to create a copy of the expense then click the expense item and in to the right of the expense item, you’ll see 4 icons. The third from the left to second from the right will be a double page icon. Click this icon and it will create a copy.